Labels:book | chat room | dialog box | earth | hakham | reckoner | sky | trade name | window OCR: AppleShare IIGS Workstation Software Svstem Requirements Workstation Requirements: Networl Reguirements: Recotumended Equipment: An Apple IIGS computer with To load workstation software One r more AppleShare hle minirnum 76RK RAM, moniter an Appleshare : file server servers (for diskless startup and an LoxatTalk cabling iuitiaffy onte 3.5-inch disk crive a(ress) f nelwor doesn't includ: ar station One or Apple aser- Appleshare fle server, 3.5-inch writer Image writer disk drive Image Writer LQ printers Appl IIe. Applc IGS Macintosh, H .MIS-I DOS s compulers Ic ackli- tional users Orderine Information AppleShare IIGS with your order vou'll Workstation Software TwO copics of the Order No. A21>2060 Share Eser's Guide One AppleShare I 50]1 worksltion disk On AppleShare File: Server Apple II se ...